The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)

The leading women’s organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Since 1942, LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries, and to support global missions. We’re a nonprofit organization that encourages women to joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and to honor God by serving others.
The LWML of St. Stephens is composed of 4 circles at the present. Circles meet monthly in separate groups and quarterly as the "Big Aid". All circles participate in our annual Salad Luncheon in the Fall as well as a Bake Sale in the Spring.
Quarterly Meetings of the "Big Aid" are held on the first Monday of the month in March, June, September and December with different themes and speakers. A "Joy Event" is celebrated at one of our District Churches in the Spring and LWML weekend is in August at Camp Linn Haven.

In months that have a fifth Sunday, Mites (money for missions) are collected from the congregation. These, along with what our circles collect are sent to the District and National societies to support mission projects. Our circles take turns serving meals to bereaved families at their request.

Elizabeth Circle and Ruth Circle

Esther Circle

Mary Circle

Quilters Circle

(Homebound Ministry)

(Mission Outreach)

(Minister to College Students, Military Personnel & New Mothers)

(Fellowship & Service )

These circles minister to the homebound members of our congregation. They visit regularly, celebrate different occasions with gifts and send cards. They also sell knives and spatulas as a fund raiser.
Throughout the year, this circle assembles health kits and school kits which are distributed to local schools and organizations, as the need is determined. The items for these kits are donated by each LWML member as well as members of the congregation who wish to help with these endeavors. This circle also sponsors "Operation Christmas Child" for Samaritan's Purse.
Each month these ladies send a mailing to the college students and military personnel of our congregation. It varies from inspirational items to snack packages. New moms are sent mailings and visited after their babies are born.
This group of ladies meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 12:00 PM in the Conference Room of the Administration Building. They tack quilts to send to those in need. We welcome anyone who can be in attendance. We also need ladies who can occasionally do some sewing at home to piece the fabric for the quilt tops. If you enjoy sewing and good conversation this circle is for you! 
A schedule of meetings and list of members is located on the credenza behind the Welcome Center in the Narthex of the church.

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